Masterclass Training Course for Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
at the International Bioskills Education Center, Seoul St. Mary‘s Hospital, the Catholic University of Korea
First day of the 2nd Masterclass Training Course for Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery at the International Bioskills Education Center, Seoul St. Mary‘s Hospital, the Catholic University of Korea conducted under the leadership of Prof Jin-Sung LUKE Kim.
We are pleased to welcome participants from Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand & Vietnam to learn from the Masters.
#spineendoscopy #endoscopicspineexperts #endoscopicsurgery #riwospine #minimallyinvasivesurgery #handsontrainingsessions #education #spine #trainingcourse #척추수술 #최소침습수술 #내시경척추수술 #신경외과 #koreanspinesurgeons