-Vernon Hills, IL, United States
International Intensive Training Course for full-endoscopic spine surgery
-EnglishIntensive Training
Cadaveric Training Course for Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
Intensive Training Course
- The transforaminal full-endoscopic approach in disc herniations – Technique and indications of posterolateral to lateral access
- The interlaminar full-endoscopic approach in disc herniations – State of the art, possibilities and limitations
- Demonstration full-endoscopic transforaminal approach of the lumbar spine
- Practical exercises for participants:
- Full-endoscopic transforaminal surgery
- Demonstration full-endoscopic interlaminar approach of the lumbar spine
- Practical exercises for participants:
- Full-endoscopic interlaminar surgery
Registration: education@riwospine.com
Language: English and Spanish