VERTEBRIS denervationシステムは、内視鏡下で椎間関節および仙腸関節の除圧を行うための、Radioblator RF 4Mhzと組み合わせ、効果的なシステムソリューションを提供します。
Primary symptoms are therefore back pain or neck pain without significant radiating pain and without neurological deficits. The pain is conducted along the medial branches of the dorsal ramus of the spinal nerve. The objective of endoscopic denervation is to selectively transect these nerve fibers in order to permanently interrupt the conduction of pain.
The denervation procedure starts with a needle targeting the transverse process under fluoroscopy. A dilator and working sleeve are inserted, and a shorter spine endoscope is used to visualize the path of the medial branch of the dorsal ramus. Rongeurs and a TipControl RF electrode are used to cut and coagulate the medial branch under endoscopic visualization. This is repeated at as many levels as is required for sufficient pain relief.
椎間関節のほかに仙腸関節は、しばしば背部痛の発生源になります。痛みの発生メカニズムは椎間関節症と似ています。 仙腸関節症は、脊椎固定後にしばしば発生します。仙腸関節がより大きな負荷を受けることで、関節における神経の炎症性の刺激につながります。
A technique similar to the facet joint denervation can be used, except the targeted branches of the dorsal rami are at the S1-S3 levels where they exit the sacrum. The same instruments are used as for the facet denervation.
動作周波数が4MHzのRadioblator RF4に 屈曲するTipControl RF電極を組み合わせることで、効果的に組織内の高周波アプリケーションが行えます。